Okay, good to know about the permissions and deleting everything below
mason_data/obj. I re-created the obj directory and set it to
www-data:www-data 755.

I ran perl -c on the main config file, with the two plugin lines commented
out and not, and on the RT_SiteConfig.d/70-plugins file I made that holds
those lines. In all three cases, Perl reports that the syntax is okay.

To make sure I'm not going nuts from all the things I've tried recently, I
tested things once more. I commented out the plugin lines, ran
update-rt-siteconfig and update-rt-siteconfig-4 (what's the difference?),
and tried to spawn the FCGI server. It worked. Uncommented, and the FCGI
server exited with status code 255 when not commented. Oh, between the two
attempts I also ran the delete command you sent. Is there a step I'm
missing? Maybe something so obvious you didn't think to mention it? This is
clearly atypical for RT plugins, so it almost has to be something I'm
missing/doing wrong.

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 2:49 PM, Matt Zagrabelny <mzagr...@d.umn.edu> wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 12:15 PM, Alex Hall <ah...@autodist.com> wrote:
> > Sorry for not replying in-line. I'd like to, but Google seems to have
> broken
> > something in their accessibility, and I can't navigate the quoted text
> in my
> > reply. The joys of using a screen reader.
> It's okay. :)
> > To your questions: I ran strace, and I have a 1.5mb file of output. I
> don't
> > pretend to understand any of it, but I was scanning backwards from the
> > bottom, and I may have found the problem.
> >
> > 12875 stat("/var/cache/request-tracker4/mason_data/obj",
> > {st_mode=S_IFDIR|S_ISGID|0755, st_size=4096, ...}) = 0
> > 12875
> > stat("/var/cache/request-tracker4/mason_data/obj/.__obj_create_marker",
> > 0x1bf8238) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
> > 12875
> > open("/var/cache/request-tracker4/mason_data/obj/.__obj_create_marker",
> > O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
> >
> > When i cleared my mason cache, I deleted the obj folder as directed. It
> > looks like this process can't re-create the necessary structure inside
> the
> > mason_data directory.
> Hmmm. Okay. It looks like my install of RT recreates the obj directory
> - sorry for the assumptive advice.
> Here is a better command for clearing your mason cache, but leaving
> the obj directory:
> % sudo find /var/cache/request-tracker4/mason_data/obj -mindepth 1 -delete
>  I've made www-data the owner, but as I'm invoking this
> > command as root, perhaps I need to do something different? I've also
> given
> > /var/cache/request-tracker4/mason_data 777 permissions recursively, and
> that
> > did the trick! What permissions should I set, though, to be sure it's as
> > secure as it needs to be?
> On my installs:
> www-data:www-data and 0755
> You should only need to set that for the "obj" directory as the RT
> process will build the rest of hierarchy.
>  Oh, I should say, the FCGI command I use is:
> >
> > spawn-fcgi -u www-data -g www-data -a -p 9876
> > /usr/share/request-tracker4/libexec/rt-server.fcgi
> >
> > www-data is the same user used in Nginx, and I gather they have to match.
> >
> > Anyway, back to the extension. Now that RT is running, I once again
> enabled
> > the plugin and updated my settings (yes, my main configuration file
> updates
> > as it should). But when I ran my FCGI command, I once again got the exit
> > code 255 message. I deleted sason_data/obj again, but that didn't help. I
> > reset the permissions, but that, too, did nothing. There's something odd
> > happening with the extension enabled that doesn't seem to happen with it
> > disabled. I'm not sure what the deal is, though. Has anyone ever seen
> this
> > happen with an extension?
> It almost sounds like your RT_SiteConfig.pm has invalid perl syntax.
> Run:
> perl -c /etc/request-tracker4/RT_SiteConfig.pm
> Both before and after enabling and disabling your extension and
> running the update-rt-siteconfig.
> -m

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department
RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day! 
* Boston - October 24-26
* Los Angeles - Q1 2017

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