Hello Nilesh and thank you for your reply.

Your advice would have been helpful if I hadnt looked for documentation before. Which I did. I am wildly searching for information using random search parameters instead of following a tutorial of some sort. Is there any?

Luckily I found what I needed in another rt-users email.

Here is my solution:

Admin > Scrips > Create

Description: OnCorrespondSetResolved

Condition: On Correspond

Action: User Defined

Template: Blank

Custom Condition: #leave empty

Custom action preparation code:
return 1;

Custom action commit code:
my ($status, $msg) = $self->TicketObj->SetStatus("resolved");
unless ( $status ) {
    $RT::Logger->error("Couldn't change status: $msg");
    return 0;
return 1;

On 05.10.2016 03:13, Nilesh wrote:
You can write a simple scrip with a pre commit action to change the
TicketObj status. See the api docs.


On 04-Oct-2016 5:22 PM, "David Schmidt" <david.schm...@univie.ac.at> wrote:

Hello list,

I would like to set a tickets status to "resolved" on reply. The wiki
mentions a "On Reply" action that I cannot find in my rt instance.


RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
* Boston - October 24-26
* Los Angeles - Q1 2017

RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day! 
* Boston - October 24-26
* Los Angeles - Q1 2017

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