I just wondered if anyone had any more thoughts on this problem. We just
set up email dashboards, and they're doing the same thing search results
do; owners are often set to 'nobody', but if you go into the ticket, the
real owner is shown. Since dashboards and searches use the same display, or
seem to, I'm not surprised. But seeing that reminded me that this is still
a problem we'd like to get fixed if possible. As I mentioned before, I've
made no changes to the search results pages, and the problem appears to be
when the owner is set via our script to auto-assign the requestor as the
owner. The owner is set correctly if you view the ticket, but not if that
ticket appears in a search results page. Thanks.

On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 9:18 AM, Alex Hall <ah...@autodist.com> wrote:

> We always leave it at the default. I did a search for "queue:technology",
> and here's the format it uses:
>    '<b><a href="__WebPath__/Ticket/Display.html?id=__id__">__id__
> </a></b>/TITLE:#',
>    '<b><a href="__WebPath__/Ticket/Display.html?id=__id__">__
> Subject__</a></b>/TITLE:Subject',
>    Status,
>    QueueName,
>    Owner,
>    Priority,
>    '__NEWLINE__',
>    '__NBSP__',
>    '<small>__Requestors__</small>',
>    '<small>__CreatedRelative__</small>',
>    '<small>__ToldRelative__</small>',
>    '<small>__LastUpdatedRelative__</small>',
>    '<small>__TimeLeft__</small>'
> On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 9:03 AM, Sinapius, Vinzenz <
> vinzenz.sinap...@tracetronic.de> wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> What is the Format-String of your search? (It’s under the advanced tab,
>> when you edit the search)
>> The scrip looks fine.
>> Cheers,
>> Vinzenz
>> Vinzenz Sinapius
>> Information Technology | Informationstechnik
>> *trace**tronic* GmbH
>> Stuttgarter Str. 3
>> 01189 DRESDEN
>> Phone: +49 351 205768-167
>> Fax: +49 351 205768-999
>> E-mail: vinzenz.sinap...@tracetronic.de
>> Head Office | Hauptsitz: Stuttgarter Str. 3, 01189 DRESDEN, GERMANY
>> Managing Directors | Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Rocco Deutschmann,
>> Dr.-Ing. Peter Strähle
>> Registration Court | Registergericht: Amtsgericht Dresden, HRB 23 086
>> *Von:* rt-users [mailto:rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com] *Im
>> Auftrag von *Alex Hall
>> *Gesendet:* Freitag, 18. November 2016 14:29
>> *An:* rt-users <rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com>
>> *Betreff:* [rt-users] Owner not showing in search results?
>> Hi all,
>> We have an odd problem. I've put a script in place that sets the
>> requestor of a ticket to be its owner, and that works perfectly when
>> viewing a ticket--the owner is shown as the requestor. The problem is that
>> search results show most tickets as being owned by nobody, but if you click
>> a ticket, you see the owner has actually been set as expected. It's just
>> search results that don't want to show the owner.
>> I found this script on the Wiki, and don't know enough about RT's
>> internals to say if it does everything it should. Does anyone see any
>> possible problems with it that would cause the issue with search results?
>> # get actor ID
>> my $Actor = $self->TransactionObj->Creator;
>> #if actor is RT_SystemUser then get out of here
>> return 1 if $Actor == $RT::SystemUser->id;
>> #prevents a ticket being assigned to an unprivileged user, comment out if
>> you want this
>> return 1 unless $self->TransactionObj->CreatorObj->Privileged;
>> #get out unless ticket owner is nobody
>> return 1 unless $self->TicketObj->Owner == $RT::Nobody->id;
>> #try to change owner
>> $RT::Logger->info("Auto assign ticket #". $self->TicketObj->id ." to user
>> #". $Actor );
>> my ($status, $msg) = $self->TicketObj->_Set(Field => 'Owner', Value =>
>> $Actor, RecordTransaction => 0);
>> unless( $status ) {
>>     $RT::Logger->error( "Impossible to assign the ticket to $Actor: $msg"
>> );
>>     return undef;
>> }
>> return 1;
>> --
>> Alex Hall
>> Automatic Distributors, IT department
>> ah...@autodist.com
>> ---------
>> RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
>> https://bestpractical.com/training
>> * Los Angeles - January 9-11 2017
> --
> Alex Hall
> Automatic Distributors, IT department
> ah...@autodist.com

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department
RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day! 
* Los Angeles - January 9-11 2017

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