First off: My apology to the RTF membership for arguing with Hugh.  I *know* better.
Service Patches on Win 2k (Not to be confused with 'Patches' by Jerry Reed): Since I am not running XP to run a 'Windows Update' on, I would have had to have read about it to have even known they existed.  I need to be more up to date than that.  There have been three complete computing revolutions since Thursday.
The sheer volume of patches available should be a big clue that it isn't stable yet, Hugh.
Win XP = Version 5.1?:  This is bammer math, isn't it Phil?  If NT 4/Win 95 are loosely considered version 4, and Win ME/Win 2000 are loosely considered version 5, wouldn't you consider the union of ME/2K version 6?
SQL Server: Reread what I said.  You agreed with me and called it a 'new one'.
Personal Attack: Yes, whatever floats my boat.  I would rather be thick skinned than go crying to Mama every time someone disagrees with me.  That *is* my choice, just as only you can choose what you will do.
Since you called me a 'bumbling fool', let me ask you this: Did you read *any* of the replies to your e-mail last week?  Just wondering.
bill evans
Hartselle, AL
On Sat, 27 Oct 2001 17:58:16 -0500 "Hugh Wolfgang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


LOL - Whatever.  They (Microsoft) only finalized the 'gold' code about 8-10 weeks ago and I have already seen many holes already exposed by writers and none fixed by Microsoft.>>


Actually, there were NINE patches released by Microsoft on Thursday.


In addition, you know exactly what I mean:  Never, ever trust a XX.0 release.  Always wait for a service pack, unless you don't value your work.  >>


Windows XP is not a XX.0 release.  It’s version 5.1.  Oh, and there are other “unofficial” fixes floating around the Internet too, many of which will constitute the upcoming SP1.




And don't tell me that MS SQL Server 2000 requires Win XP.  I know better.  It prefers Win 2000 and can even be made to run on NT 4.>>


That’s a new one.  Our database in Dallas is SQL Server 2000 based, and has been for months, on Win2k Server.  I’ve only got VERY limited experience with SQL 2k on XP.



As for your 'bumbling fool' comment, I am not going to claim 'PERSONAL ATTACK! PERSONAL ATTACK!', unlike yourself.  I can take it.>>



Whatever floats your boat.






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