[I would have thought that a somewhat respectable member of the press would
get his facts straight before slandering someone.]

Whatever, Hugh...

You bitched all day one Saturday about firing Fran, then came back on Sunday
and said, and I QUOTE, "I was calling for Torbush's head, not Fran's," which
was a lie, but it nonetheless proves that you at least admit you wanted
Torbush fired.  You have also made several references to Fran not doing a
good job, said at one point that you "could no longer support him," and
asked at another point where we could get $7 million to buy out his

We all know what you've said...hell, it's in the archives for all to read.
Just be a man and admit it.  You are a whiny, bitchy, fair-weather fan who
does not deserve to revel in this victory because you haven't supported this
team worth a damn all year.  That's the truth...you know it, I know it, and
anyone who has read this list this season knows it.

Just read the archives...it's all there.  Then quit trying to squirm out of
your idiot comments.  And again, get back off the bandwagon...you don't
belong on it.

By the way, it's libel, not slander, and I was doing neither.


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