Jeff Todd wrote:
> arbrin has quit!
> The upcoming 4th quarter will belong to BAMA!

You were correct, Slef-san!  The aubie crowd was totally out
of the game after Bama scored to open the second half.  The
aubies sitting in our section (sec. 39, Tide Pride seats)
rarely raised their voice except to protest a call.

Hugh wrote:
> Auburn gave up when Carnell Williams went down. [...]

I don't think they gave up so much as they were left without
any effective offensive weapons.  This is what happens when
you build a team around one player and he either gets injured
or simply doesn't perform.

A cocky barner was outside the stadium yelling at every Bama
fan that passed.  He would either yell "Who wants to ride in
our Cadillac?" or "Who wants to get bent over in our Cadillac?"
I thought the latter was rather tacky.  Anyway, I wish I could
have found him after the game and ask if his Cadillac had a
flat tire. :-)

Hugh wrote:
> Slef wrote:
> > You're a lyin' ass S.O.B.
> I love you too.

Have y'all picked a china pattern yet?  Will Slef change his
last name or will it be Todd-Wolfcrank? :-)

Phil Harbison
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