
-----Original Message-----
From: Phillip L. Harbison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, December 07, 2001 8:52 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] where da Queen?

>Slef wrote:
>> YES! Tag lines are way cool!! 
>> AND........HTML Rulz! 
>> [emoticons deleted]

Phil gurgled:

>Yo, Sleffiecakes!  Did the Blobber teach you how to do those
>cute lil' emoticons?

No. Is she your fashion consultant?

>Oh yeah, one other reason to avoid HTML is the original text
>does not get quoted automatically when someone replies to an
>HTML message.  

When did you start using AOL?

>I had to cut/paste the quoted text above.

Bless your little heart. And thank you for the extra effort.



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