Slef blathered:
> Phil gurgled:
> > Yo, Sleffiecakes!  Did the Blobber teach you how to do those
> > cute lil' emoticons?
> No. Is she your fashion consultant?

No, while we have similar amounts of body hair, she is not familiar
with the men's extra large sizes I require.  She only knows about
those petite lacy things she wears for your dates at Motel6.

> When did you start using AOL?

Don't you remember?  When you upgraded to 7.0, you sold me your
copy of 6.0 so you could afford your little blue pills.  Hey, it
is nothing to be embarassed about.  Any man would need help getting
it up for the blobster.

> > I had to cut/paste the quoted text above.
> Bless your little heart. And thank you for the extra effort.

Anything for you, Sleffiecakes!


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