I believe the University has set CMS's winning percentage goal at around 53.8% (7-6) for the season. Even though our schedule is extremely tough, I won't be surprised if Shula pulls out a 69.2% (9-4) season, but only barring any *key* injuries to the team. As Slef pointed out in his post last night, this team cannot afford to lose anyone during the season. With that said, I *hope* they play "lights-out" football!

But... Hope is not an Action Plan ($1).

Yea, Alabama! Drown'em Tide!

Jamie Watts wrote:
I certainly didn't mean to make it sound like I was
lowering my expectations....I expect wins every
saturday....but I'm also being realistic....this team
and coaching staff have one hell of a fight ahead in
the next few years....if they come out disciplined,
well coached, and ready to fight for each play, then
good will happen for this team....Jamie

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