From: "Devonna Snuggs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> no talk of the barners troubles around here??????????????????

fwiw, here's a copy someone sent to me of a supposed TI post. I'll believe it when I 
see it.




32.6.3 Statute of Limitations
Allegations included in notice of allegations shall be limited to
possible violations occurring not earlier than four years before the
date the notice of inquiry is forwarded to the institution or the date
the institution notifies (or, if earlier, should have notified) the
enforcement staff of its inquiries into the matter. However, the
following shall not be subject to the four-year limitation: (Revised:
10/12/94, 4/24/03)

(a) Allegations involving violations affecting the eligibility of a
current student-athlete;

(b) Allegations in a case in which information is developed to indicate
a pattern of willful violations on the part of the institution or
individual involved, which began before but continued into the four-
year period; and

(c) Allegations that indicate a blatant disregard for the Association's
fundamental recruiting, extra-benefit, academic or ethical-conduct
regulations or that involve an effort to conceal the occurrence of the
violation. In such cases, the enforcement staff shall have a one-year
period after the date information concerning the matter becomes
available to the NCAA to investigate and submit to the institution an
official inquiry concerning the matter.

I have some news for you Auburn lurkers. The BAD NEWS: This time, it is
riding on a Shetland pony.

If you learned just one tiney thing from the NCAA case just leveled on
Alabama, remember this; the NCAA DETESTS illegal booster activity. They
view that as one of the most egregious sins.

Got another news flash for you. When Board of Trustee members are
involved, they shut down your program. Don't believe me? Go to Dallas,
Texas and ask the good folks at SMU what THEY did to merit the Death
Penalty. Hint - the guys in upper management were involved.

So, what do YOU have to look forward to?

>From the 1993 Summary report:

Violation Summary: EXTRA BENEFITS: athletics representatives provided
at least $4,000 in cash and merchandise; assistant coach provided $500;
administrative assistant provided several thousand dollars in cash
payments; athletics representative approved a $9,200 and several other
unsecured loans based upon future earnings as professional athletes;
student-athletes allowed to enroll with oustanding accounts with the

>From the 1993 Full Report:

B. Auburn University shall be subject to the provisions of NCAA Bylaw concerning repeat violators for a five-year period beginning
on the effective date of the penalties in this case. The effective date
for the purpose of this action shall be the date the 15-day appeal
period expires or the date the institution notifies the executive
director that it will not appeal, whichever is earlier, or, in the
event of an appeal, the date established by the Infractions Appeals

I've got new for you Auburn fans: You are at risk for a death penalty

Boosters, along with Board of Trustee members, giving money to coaches
for an illegal slush fund to pay players. And this was occuring during
the time you were under the "repeat violator" window.

The statement in Rule 36.2.3 (c) that says a blatant disregard for the
Association's fundamental recruiting, extra-benefit, academic or
ethical-conduct regulations or that involve an effort to conceal the
occurrence of the violation.

This is as blatant as it gets.

All you Aubs who were snickering at Ronnie Cottrell's suit, you think
it is funny now? He's been accusing them of playing favorites and going
after Alabama and it's coaches in a vendetta. Well guess what? You have
provided the NCAA the P-E-R-F-E-C-T way to show they are not biased and
to help blunt the impact his suit will have on their activities.

Ex-coach. Tape. Boosters. Board Members.

I don't know whether the NCAA will have mercy on you. You better pray
that they do. If not, those dead eagles are just the preview of coming

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