I love puppies too. Kittens are fun to watch also.

Sometimes though, puppies are just too sick and need to be put out of their
suffering. It is our responsibility to recognize this situation and act
accordingly. I've had to do this twice within the past year, most recently
on December the 6th.

What I don't get, among other things you write, is why does the assumption
of 'loving your country' and re-electing Dubya have to correspond? Is it
that only the Republicans love their country while the Dem's do not? Please,
enlighten me.....

I don't think I have ever said I didn't want Dubya to win or for Kerry to
win the election. Since you seem to have kept my previous emails, you can
check to be sure. Dubya has done some good things, but I can't think of one
right now. What stands out are his errors. Invasion of a country without
irrefutable evidence of there being a threat to the US (while the majority
of the highjackers were Saudi's, we haven't occupied their country. Uh,
wait...yes we have occupied their country....and are still there....mmmmm),
still no WMD, porous borders with a proposal to legalize all the illegals
presently in this country.

I guess his tax cuts helped someone. Although the State of Alabama
essentially raised our taxes and wiped out the Federal tax break.

All in all, I lean toward the Republican side more than the Dem's, but that
doesn't mean I'll wrap myself in the flag and believe everything Dubya says
or proposes. Don't tell me its raining while you're pissing down my leg. I
think his war effort is a farce and has caused the US great embarrassment in
the world order.  We invaded Iraq to liberate the people from the repressive
dictatorship that ruled the country and\or to seize the massive stockpiles
of WMD that posed an imminent threat to the US. So far, Bush is 1-1.

I just wonder sometimes what the $120+ billion spent so far could have done
here at home. That equates to about $2.4 billion per state. Enough to spade
and neuter all the pets with money leftover to get all of them a chew-bone
or a squeaky toy.

In the meantime, I'll be working on my "Perot in '08" poster.

 -----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Tim Boozer
Sent:   Thursday, January 29, 2004 11:14 AM
To:     RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
Subject:        RE: [RollTideFan] September 11 Audio Tapes

You are kind of thick-headed aren't you?   Dumb as a box of rocks I would

Listen - there is a side of me, the same side that wants to help a sick
puppy, no matter how ugly he is, that wants to continue discourse in an
effort to enlighten you to reality. However, there is another side of me,
the side that loves this country and wants W. to win the upcoming election
that wants me to just shut up and let your diarrhea of the mouth continue.
Because, as long as pinheads like you keep talking, W. can't lose.

Right now, I'll let the side that loves his country win and let you continue
to spew, but I'm sure that the ugly-puppy loving side will rear it's head

Now please, try to find a wider audience to post your drivel. There is just
not enough people in this group for it to really have maximum effect.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Joel Perry
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 8:29 AM
To: 'RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List'
Subject: RE: [RollTideFan] September 11 Audio Tapes

I guess the next wave of 30,000+ troops being sent to Iraq, Afghanistan and
Pakistan are going over there to fight for my and your right to vote huh?

Open you eyes and look at the world from a different perspective. Although
the US thinks of itself as a 'beacon of freedom', we happen to be the only
country with WMD who is presently invading and occupying other countries.

And ya know the irony of the situation? Even though we have control of the
oil wells in Iraq, gasoline prices in the US have steadily climbed.

 -----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Tim Boozer
Sent:   Wednesday, January 28, 2004 5:01 PM
To:     RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
Subject:        RE: [RollTideFan] September 11 Audio Tapes

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Joel Perry
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:50 AM
To: 'RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List'
Subject: RE: [RollTideFan] September 11 Audio Tapes

I'm sorry. Dubya can't come out and play right now. He's busy looking for
his WMD. Then he has to make all the illegal immigrants legal. Then he's
taking personal responsibility for banning all 'performance enhancing'
substances from major sports.

If you don't mind waiting, Mr. Kerry will be with you later this year.......


Joel Perry, who is admittedly ignorant of politics, once again shows his
ever-present desire to make a fool of himself.  Joel's grasp of current
events and high standard on which he places his right to vote that so many
have fought and died to preserve can be summed up in the following
paragraph, penned by Mr. Perry himself:

"I change the channel when any mention
of politics is brought up. Hell I though Dean's first name was "Jimmy" and I
like his sausage. That's enough for my vote."

Way to go Joel, what a great mantra to live your life by. Vote for the man
or woman (Hilary?) who reminds you most of sausage.

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