
If WMD had been found, you and all like you would have found some other
reason to bitch.

Slef E. (The *E* stands for STFU.)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joel Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List'"
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 7:23 AM
Subject: RE: [RollTideFan] NON Tide - "Was the war in Iraq worth it?"

: Nice Hallmark card you present here. Touches on all the right emotions....
: And what this man says may be true, I'm not there and according to him, he
: is. He comments on how much better things are in general and that all the
: violence is concentrated in a small area. Does that make the rest of the
: country appear safer then? The violence of 911 was concentrated to an area
: of a few city blocks, but I don't know if the remainder if the US is safer
: now.
: Assuming he's correct in all he says, I can find only one underlying
: to his comments that makes me take a second look. Here's the quote needed
: discuss: "Folks, take a deep breath, they're better off over there now
: they were before.".
: Ok. Fine THEY are better off than before. WTF????? I thought we were going
: to war to find WMD. Isn't that what Dubya told us? Isn't that what Powell
: repeated on TV many times? Wasn't the threat of nuclear, biological and
: chemical weapons the reasons we loaded up CNN, Fox and PBS to cover the
: invasion and to record the discovery of stock piles of WMD???? We were
: that Saddam had all these weapons and they were pointed towards us and
: the greatest military in the world took on an army whose most advanced
: weapons involved a potato gun and a modified Toyota pick-up.
: And we beat the daylights out of them. Good for us. And the liberation
: began. I'm sorry, the occupation began. After searching high and low (and
: under coffee tables), no WMD were found. So, for damage control the spin
: goes that Saddam was a bad man and should have been removed because of the
: way he treats his people. Excuse me, that is a little different than the
: being threaten by nuclear weapons.
: I could give a rat's arse about how much better off they are. I'm not
: in-sensitive, I just don't care. The war was not about making them all
: and June Cleaver. The war was to stop a dictator from using his WMD to
: us. We spent billions of dollars to destroy the country and prolly twice
: much to re-build it. Oh, THAT makes sense. So all these folks can live a
: better life.
: Touching. But what about the millions of people in this country (Legally)
: who don't have enough to eat, clothes to wear and soccer balls to play
: with???? I wonder how much good could have been done in this country with
: $200 billion?
: So, according to John Matthews, the war was worth it because the people of
: Iraq are out from under the terrible ruler Saddam. Then, if that is the
: pre-requisite for invading the countries of the world, I think Time
: or one like it has ranked the world's worst rulers with respect to how the
: people of the country are treated. I better get a copy so I can send it to
: the next Prez. No need in wasting valuable time and energy trying to
: out where to invade next when the list has already been compiled.
: I think one of the rulers towards the top lives in Africa. Will the
: reporters need to get their passports renewed first???
: And if John does indeed like being pro-active instead of re-active, tell
: that North Korea is on Line 1 and the clock is ticking........
:  -----Original Message-----
: Behalf Of Tim Boozer
: Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 5:26 PM
: To: RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
: Subject: [RollTideFan] NON Tide - "Was the war in Iraq worth it?"
: >From the Orlando Sentinel...
: Today's topic: Was the war in Iraq worth it?
: By John Matthews | My Word
: Posted March 26, 2004
: Was the war in Iraq worth it?
: It depends on whom you ask.
: I'm a soldier, not a politician. This is from my perspective as someone
: spent the last 12 months with his boots on the ground in Iraq.
: If you were to ask an American soldier's parent or family member who has
: lost a son, daughter, father or sister over there, then of course the war
: was not worth it. I can't imagine their pain and sorrow. My heart goes out
: to them.
: If you were to ask an Iraqi parent or other family member who has gained
: back a son, daughter, father or sister from having to serve and die under
: Saddam's army or "service" his henchmen's wants and perversions, and now
: their family whole again with a chance to live and pursue happiness, then,
: of course, the war was worth it.
: Wars are like that. You don't win a war. What I'd hope you'd understand is
: that this isn't about winning. It's about doing what is right.
: This war was worth it. I was a truck battalion XO and had more that 1,500
: brave and competent soldiers traveling the entire north/south highways in
: Iraq. Think of driving from Miami to Savannah every day, every week for a
: year, with 40 pounds of gear and 130-degree heat during the summer.
: You feel and see everything in these convoys. Good and bad. Recently I
: traveled to an orphanage in Nasiriyah, the Iraqi town where Jessica
: team were ambushed. It is a different town now. I traded cigars with some
: the local police force, played patty-cake with the kids, showed off
: of my family to the local teens who insisted that I allow them to marry my
: teenage daughter. We played a game of soccer (soldiers against kids; we
: lost).
: Folks, take a deep breath, they're better off over there now than they
: before. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it is the truth.
: Their newfound freedom shows and multiplies every day. Shops are selling
: colas, ice, flags and other items. Families get to keep their crops,
: water and electricity instead of Saddam taking a percentage. We've got
: electric and sewage running decades better than it used to. The insurgents
: blow it up to promote "instability." Kids are going to new schools and
: playing soccer instead of throwing rocks at convoys or learning how to
: a coke can into an improvised explosive device. They are interested in us
: and we are interested in them. Bottom line, rubber meeting the road and
: that . . . honest.
: That Miami-to-Savannah trip I mentioned earlier: Most of the ambushes are
: occurring only in an area the size of Jacksonville. The media -- and
: therefore, YOU -- are focusing on the tree instead of the forest.
: >From what I've seen in the papers and on cable, you'd think that we've
: no progress over there at all and blame politicians. But this isn't
: to those Iraqi survivors or my soldiers.
: We have made progress by leaps and bounds. There are setbacks and
: finger-pointing at levels way above my pay grade, but in the end Iraq is
: better off. The Iraqi minister of tourism isn't getting too many calls,
: it'll happen. If "Friday Forum" is still around in 10 years, look for my
: letter.
: The Middle East has been given a wake-up call: We'll bring the fight to
: to protect our freedom and our way of life.
: Give me proactive over re-active any day of the week. I don't want to be
: sitting in my office building in Orlando saying, "Hey, that plane's flying
: kind of low . . . ."
: John Matthews, a major in the Army Reserves, lives in Clermont.
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