I was actually joking about  wearing that shirt.  I will however be wearing
a Alabama shirt, it just wont be one like that.


-------Original Message-------


From: RollTideFan - University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List

Date: 09/14/04 09:56:03


Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Tennessee Game


I think you are either extremely brave or totally nuts. You are asking for

an ass


whupping in the worse kind of way.






-------Original Message-------




From: RollTideFan - University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List


Date: 09/14/04 07:04:20




Subject: [RollTideFan] Tennessee Game








Me and my friend are going to the Tennessee game this year. I have had


several people tell us we are crazy for going, that there will be fights up


there and stuff. Last time I was there, there were cops and stuff all over


the place and most of the UT people were decent to us, but that was before


this whole deal with Fulmer.








My question is...does anyone know if they are going to have increased


security at the game? Im thinking about wearing my...There are no


prostitutes in Tennessee, they are all Volunteers shirt LOL....what ya






















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