Damn I hate to admit this but This Ainge kid is gonna be something
special....he's just a damn frosh and plays like a dang fifth year
senior....He's gonna make Peyton, Casey and the others pale in
comparison....That little ear ringed black boy better go find another place
to play....

> Was I the only one that saw Tennessee's QB change up the play call and the
> Alabama defense stayed in the same set up?  We broadcasted our intentions
> and never switched to another scheme.  That may have had something to do
> with the 2nd half offensive production for the viles.
> Hind sight is 20/20.  Sunday morning quarterbacking is not good for
> but mourning a loss.  I hate having to go through another year saying,
> "We'll get em next year".
> I guess that I can always pray that Gallion makes Elmer Fudd's life a
> hell next year.
> *sigh*
> Joe

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