I totally agree. I think Auburn's luck this year was that they had a
senior QB and two RBs. Not to mention that they were not hit by the
injury bug. All that may change during the bowl game. If Barnell or
their QB goes down they won't beat Va. Tech.
As far as next year is concerned...if Tubby has a chance to get out I
think he will take it due to the fact that he will not be able to repeat
this year's performance for a long time, if ever.

-----Original Message-----
Rick wrote:

Bottom line is this; *IF* LSU gets serious about Tubs, Tubs will be very

serious about LSU, no matter what he's telling the public today.

But I can see no reason why LSU would want Tubs as their coach. He's a 
one hit wonder. He'll be back to losing 4-5 games a year, starting NEXT 


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