Actually Richard, you and Pat appear to be of like mind.

I am going to repost an essay that I received off-list that seems to take an
objective view of the situation. I have always suspected this husband is not
what he is cracked up to be. Now, I suspect it even more.  This is long, but
worth the read.


Life Through A Tube?

by Techniguy 03-19-2005

For the past week now, the news and talk media have been dominated daily,
with one or two exceptions, by one story; the removal of Terri Schiavo’s
feeding tube. With the information being presented by the media, I found
myself at odds with the mainstream Republicans and the view of the
Conservatives who have taken this issue all the way to the Superior count
and the President of the United States. I have always believed that it’s
just wrong to keep someone alive with artificial means when their time has
come to go whether it‘s by natural causes or artificial. I still believe
that but there were questions in the Schiavo case that needed answering.

The media turned this into a circus of ideological and moral issues with
views from both sides of the question, but really hadn’t given us enough
information to understand what is really going on. All we really knew was
that Terri was in a vegetative state with irreversible brain damage
resulting from a heart attack 15 years ago and her husband, Michael Schiavo
wants the feeding tube removed as it was Terri’s wish, or so he says. There
have been plenty of discussions regarding the legal issues involved, and who
is right and who is wrong, but we’ve learned little more from them.

I have been thinking about writing this article for a couple of days now
which I knew would be controversial with most of my readers, but the way I
saw it, no one would want to be kept alive in Terri’s condition, and as her
Husband, Michael is really the only person who has the legal right to decide
the issue. It was bad enough that Terri’s parents, Bob and Mary Schindler,
had been waging a seven year court battle to fight against the rights of the
husband, but then when the Florida State Legislature, the Governor, and the
Federal Government started getting involved in this, It seemed it was going
too far. The law is the law, and the law says that Michael Schiavo has the
right to have the feeding tube removed, so obey the law and grant him that
right. Right? It turns out that the issue just isn’t that simple.

I am not going to try to support either side of the feeding tube issue here,
but rather provide some information that you may not have seen in the news
reports. I still believe that the Federal Government has no more business
getting involved in this than they have getting involved in steroid use in
baseball, it’s not their job or any of their business in either case. The
government simply has no right interfering in family business. However,
there is another issue here that may be government business, what if Michael
Schiavo is responsible for Terri’s condition?

Does Michael Schiavo want Terri dead for her sake or for his own? Some say
it’s for money but I don’t believe that’s the case. In November 1992, her
husband, Michael, won a medical malpractice lawsuit after claiming that
doctors failed to diagnose the chemical imbalance that caused the heart
attack. The court awarded approximately $1.3 million in damages with
$300,000 to Michael for his loss and another $700,000 to Michael for Terri’s
guardianship and care. Schiavo claims the money has been used to fund
therapy for Terri and only about $50,000 remains in her fund. World Net
Daily has reported, Attorney and Director of Florida Right to Die, George J.
Felos has been paid some $358,000 from the fund and Schiavo's other attorney
reportedly received $80,000. Schiavo added that there is no life insurance
policy on Terri's life and stressed he stands to gain nothing financially
from her death. Mr. Schiavo is financially sound in his own business and has
even turned down a $1 million offer to transfer custody of Terri to her
parents and walk away. He doesn’t need or want the money. For him, it’s not
about money yet he refuses to allow Terri’s parents to take responsibility
for her care and divorce himself from the situation altogether. Why?

According to the record based on statements by Mr. Schiavo, and supported by
a decision by Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge George W. Greer, Terri had told
Michael that she wouldn’t want to be kept alive in an incapacitated
condition by artificial means. In late 1991, 1½ years after Terri’s
collapse, Michael Schiavo became involved in an intimate relationship with
Cindy Shook. The romance continued for approximately one year. Unwilling to
come forward because of her immense fear of Schiavo, Cindy had to be
subpoenaed and was then subsequently deposed on May 8, 2001 to try and learn
more regarding her intimate knowledge of Michael Schiavo’s character traits.
Cindy said Schiavo got angry when asked questions about Terri saying: "this
had destroyed his life and he was being robed of a normal life."

When asked about Terri’s medical care and being kept alive, according to
Cindy Shook, Michael Schiavo said, "How the hell should I know we never
spoke about this, my God I was only 25 years old. How the hell should I
know? We were young. We never spoke of this." But Michael says that Terri
had expressed her wishes to him regarding this during court proceedings. He
is not being consistent.

Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H., Psychiatrist and expert medical witness, and
the author of the book, “Bad Boys: Why We Love Them, How to Live with Them
and When to Leave Them“, was quoted as saying, "I have studied men who
exhibit pathology in their relationships with women. Profiles of the twelve
different types of bad boys are explained. Michael Schiavo fits the profile,
described in the book as the Prince of Darkness. Michael Schiavo was likely
to have known that Terri had begun making plans to divorce him, since she
had told a coworker and family member. Stalking is characteristic of this
type of man, as well. And a girlfriend of Michael’s, Cindy, accused him of
stalking her in 2001."

Cindy Shook described Schiavo’s possessiveness this way: "he’s very jealous.
He stalked me at my… at where I worked after I stopped dating… when he would
get mad at me he would tell me, I would rather be laying in bed in the
nursing home with her than with you. I mean he can be the most incredibly
mean person" When asked if she were afraid that Michael would physically
harm her or if he would harm children. "I am concerned about retaliation
because I have a child -I have children and a husband. I know him, I know
what he told me I said he could be a very mean person."

She spoke of how Schiavo stalked her for close to a year after the breakup
and that she received repeated phone calls. "He came on the floor looking
for me several times”. I felt it was out of character for him to get a job
as an orderly at the hospital That was concerning to me. When he would come
up to the floor looking for her she was not scared the first time but later
was scared. “In town I would look up when I was driving…not at my work” -
she would look up in the rear view mirror and there would be Michael
Schiavo. “I would look up and he would be behind me in traffic”. It
continued for several months after he didn’t work at the hospital. She would
change lanes, try to make a turn and he would do the same. He did this about
ten times. “One time he was behind me in traffic he got next to me in a
two-lane going the same way, and he changed lanes basically right on top of
where I was at, and I had to swerve not to be hit. I had to swerve off the
road. Michael ran me off the road. I considered it as stalking, dangerous
and guessed potentially life threatening."  They discussed marriage. She
said Schiavo asked what would you do if I asked you to marry me. He never
discussed getting a divorce.

"In June of 1993, eight months after he got the malpractice money, he tried
to kill Terri by withholding antibiotics needed to treat an infection. There
was $800,000 in the fund at the time”, Terri’s brother Bobby Schindler told
World Net Daily. According to court records, the caregivers at the nursing
home overruled Schiavo's order and treated Terri for her infection. As
additional "proof" that he's not in the legal battle for the money, Schiavo
told Larry King he offered three times to donate the money to charity two
years ago. But Bobby Schindler called it a "hollow offer." "The offer came
with the stipulation that my parents agree to let my sister starve to death.
Why would we let her starve to death?".

According to Schiavo, he heard a "thud" in the hall at 4:30 a.m. and got out
of bed to find his wife lying face down on the floor. Schiavo said he rolled
her over and saw she was "lifeless" and called 911. "If Michael rolled her
over, then he rolled her back," Schindler told World Net Daily. "He has also
stated [in other interviews] that when I showed up he was cradling her in
his arms. Now he's changing his story?"  According to Schindler, Schiavo
called Robert Schindler first, who then alerted Bobby because he lived in
the same apartment complex as his sister, and then called 911. Bobby
Schindler said when he arrived on the scene, Terri was face down with her
arms underneath her and her hands up by her neck. "It's etched in my mind,"
said Schindler, adding that he heard a "gurgling or snoring sound" coming
from Terri. Schiavo has declined to answer where he would be willing to take
a lie detector test regarding the events of that night.

It is Michael Schiavo’s contention that Terri suffered a heart attack as the
result of a potassium imbalance likely due to bulimia. But Michael Baden,
who is co-director of the Investigative Unit of New York State Police in
Albany and former chief medical examiner for New York City, ruled out
potassium imbalance and a heart attack as factors in Terri's mysterious
collapse 13 years ago – which left her severely incapacitated and unable to
speak – and pointed to head trauma and bone injuries as a more likely cause.
Baden said he studied a bone scan made in March 1991 at a rehabilitation
facility that describes Terri as having a head injury: "That's why she's
there, that's why she's getting a bone scan." "A head injury can ... lead to
the vegetative state that Ms. Schiavo is in now," he continued, adding the
scan showed evidence of other injuries, bone fractures in her thigh, lower
back, ribs and both ankles.

Coupled with medical records that indicated Terri was admitted to the
hospital the night of her collapse with a "suspiciously rigid neck" which
two physicians described as being consistent with attempted strangulation,
prompted the Schindlers to seek an investigation of the 1990 collapse. Amid
strenuous objection from Felos, Greer ruled against such a probe. Bobby
Schindler said the refusal to investigate Terri's collapse casts doubt on
Schiavo's assertion he still loves his wife. "The broken bones got there
somehow," he said. "It seems to me if I were her husband I would want to
find out what happened to her." In the interview with Larry King, Schiavo
addressed the strangulation testimony by asking why her neck was not bruised
and her trachea damaged. I have asked the same question.

If these injuries were evident during the medical examination at the
hospital, then why was there no investigation into the prospect of assault
and spousal abuse? Why were Felos and Greer covering for Schiavo? Judge
Greer has ruled that Terri is in a persistent vegetative state (PVS). This
ruling was necessary under Florida law to allow dehydration. Under Florida
law, this means that Terri exhibits no voluntary action or cognitive
behavior of any kind and is unable to communicate or interact purposely with
the environment.

Hospital nurses Heidi Law, Carla Sauer-Iyer, Carolyn Johnson have been
ignored and dismissed without hearing; each testified that Michael was
abusive to Terri and may have attempted to kill her by insulin injection and
attempts to induce pneumonia by turning the thermostat in her room to 64
degrees. Within months of the money being deposited in the bank, Michael
ordered a do-not-resuscitate order placed on Terri's chart. He has also
repeatedly denied her other forms of medical care, such as treatment for
infections. In the mid 1990s, according to another nurse's affidavit filed
under penalty of perjury, Michael was overheard saying things such as, "When
is she going to die," "Has she died yet?" and "When is that bitch going to

It should be clear by now that Michael Schiavo wants Terri dead, probably so
that she can never tell anyone what really happened that night. Forget about
all the “right to life” and “right to die” rhetoric. The real questions is;
if Terri is allowed to starve to death now, will Michael simply be allowed
to finish what he started 15 years ago? I think this needs further
investigation before any action is taken by Schiavo but that was done
yesterday. It wasn’t the first time the feeding tube has been removed, it’s
the third. Late last year the tube was removed for six days before it was
re-inserted. There may be a repeat of this on Monday when the current
regular judge returns to his court.

Whether Terri lives or dies will make little difference to her. Her life
ended that night 15 years ago and will never be recovered. They say she is
“brain dead” but that’s not the case, she is only half brain dead. All of
her autonomic functions are working but her cerebral cortex is dead which is
the area of the brain that deals with conscious thought and memory. She
swallows her own saliva but doesn’t seem to be aware of food or water in her
mouth and rarely swallows it. She lives in a dream state with occasional
moments of lucidness when disturbed. She awakes and responds to stimulus but
has no idea of where she is or what is going on. At times she tries to speak
but can get no further than the first word on occasions.

While being visited by her family and their attorney, she was told “Terri,
if you can just say ‘I want to live‘, this will all be over“, according to a
close relative being interviewed on the Sean Hannity Show. Terri’s response
was “I waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”. He said she then continued yelling
“waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” until the attendants came in to see what was

Did she really know what she was trying to say? Was she just mocking what
she had heard like a parrot? Or was she trying to say “I want to die”? We’ll
never know. If it was me, I would not want to live like that, would you? It’
s not a life, it’s not living. Brain cells do not regenerate, once they die,
they are gone for good. Terri will never recover from this. We have heard
reports of a woman who, after a head injury, was in a coma for 20 years,
then suddenly woke up. At times, her condition was very much like Terri’s
with apparent moments of consciousness but she was not there. One day she
just came out of it and now lives a normal life. The difference is that half
her brain did not die, but rather was in shock for all that time. In Terri
Schiavo’s case, the brain cells are dead and will never work again. What the
world needs to know now is what part Michael Schiavo played in Terri’s
condition, if any.


>-----Original Message-----
>Behalf Of Richard Reeves
>Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 5:05 PM
>Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Double Sad News Day In
>    I consider myself a Pro-Lifer however, this woman has left me in
>turmoil. Most people know none of the facts of this case. Only bits and
>pieces from what the media has gave them. I live in the area and have
>followed this very closely and feel that this woman would truly want to go
>peacefully. First most don't know how she became "brain dead"! She
>got this
>way from her eating dis-order. She was so vain about her vanity
>that she was
>starving herself to maintain her appearance. Thus, causing her
>breathing to
>stop and lastly her brain damage. Secondly, who would want to lead an
>existance (not a life) that you were nothing but incoherent veg? Not me!
>What really disturbs me about this case is a family that has had
>15 years to
>prove Terry has brain activity, wanted to live or could have
>expert testify
>that she would get better with therapy. Now at the eleventh hour they have
>manipulated or State Government to circumvent the 15 years the courts have
>deliberated this. Even our State Supreme Court. Now it seems that
>they have
>even tried to get our Congress involved and thank goodness the
>courts aren'
>thaving any of this. You see the family won't let go! The husband has been
>made out to be a total ass and I really feel for him. He has been offered
>Millions to walk away and sign custody over to her parents. He has refused
>because, he says he made a promise to Terry and knows what her wishes. He
>says, it ain't about the money, only his wife's wishes. I have prayed long
>and hard about this and I feel that my wife knows my wishes better than my
>parents do. She knows that I would never want to exist in this condition.
>>From: "Pat Smoot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Reply-To: RollTideFan - University of Alabama Athletics Discussion
>>To: "RollTideFan - University of Alabama Athletics Discussion
>>Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Double Sad News Day In Florida...
>>Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 21:01:17 -0600
>>Surely you people are not advocating that this poor woman be left in a
>>hospital bed for another 15 years.  Her parents are the one that
>should be
>>shot.  It's shameful.  She should have been allowed to die a long
>time ago
>>with just a little shred of dignity left.  How many of you would really
>>want this type of survival?  How many of you would want your
>parents to see
>>you like that for 15 years?  How about your children?  Why do we feel the
>>need to torture humans when we euthanize animals?
>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Tim Boozer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: "RollTideFan - University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List"
>>Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 8:37 PM
>>Subject: RE: [RollTideFan] Double Sad News Day In Florida... [Fwd:
>>>Mike - I had not heard about this till I read your post. I just got home.
>>>This is sick and it apparently took place about 60 miles from my house. I
>>>really hoped this girl would turn up somehow. I just don't get it.
>>>You're right, Judge Greer, George Felos, and Michael Shiavo will someday
>>>have to answer for their deeds, but none of that helps Terri
>today. If she
>>>expressed a wish to die in this situation, why did it take him so long to
>>>come forward with that information? It doesn't hurt anyone for her to be
>>>allowed to live, why kill her?
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>Behalf Of Mike Laborde
>>>>Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 6:58 PM
>>>>Subject: [RollTideFan] Double Sad News Day In Florida... [Fwd: FNC
>>>>Will any RTF'er in Florida please kill this man? A very slow and
>>>>painful death
>>>>is preferable but dead is dead. While he is dying, ram a hot poker
>>>>up his ass
>>>>While you are at it, Judge George Greer needs a good old fashioned
>>>>Southern ass
>>>>whoopin' too.
>>>>We certainly do have a problem with the judiciary in this country.
>>>>Many seem to
>>>>think they are above the law. We need serious reform.
>>>>Thanks for letting me vent!
>>>>--- Original Message ---
>>>>Sent: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 18:30:35 -0500
>>>>Subject: FNC Alert
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