On Mit, 14 Jul 1999 Jan Deininger wrote:
>Jochen Kuepper advised using lyx and sgmltools to create man pages, 
>in an earlier discussion. 

Wow, that was some time ago.

>I tried to create a man page with lyx, choosing "linuxdoc manpage" 
>for a document type.  I was able to create something like a man page, 
>but much seemed to be missing.  The sections were numbered, 
>unlike the usual man format, and there didn't seem to be any 
>other element types to convey the special character of a manpage.

Have you asked for some help on the lyx mailing list ? Probably you need
to put on some settings and will get what you want :-?

>I have two questions:
>1.  Linux Documentation Project is going with Docbook, apparently.  
>Are there plans to incorporate Docbook as a lyx document type?

I think it is in the newest pre-version, saying it will be in lyx-1.0.4,
iIRC. You have to check at the lyx-devel list. See www.lyx.org.

What's about the LDP books ?

Hope it helps,
-- Jochen
 Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Institut für Physikalische Chemie I               phone ++49-211-8113681
 Universitätsstr.                      fax   ++49-211-8115195
 40225 Düsseldorf, Germany       www-public.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de/~jochen
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