> From: Peter Staudt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Der Herr Hofr.at wrote:
> >
> >   PS: Ceterum censeo WINDOOF delendam esse.
> I never took latin but isn't this ^^^^^^ WINDOOFem ?

The original sentence from Cato was:
        Caeterum censeo Carthaginem delendam esse.
        ^^^^                     ^^^

So I opt for WINDOOFem as well ;-)


Complex problems have simple, easy to understand wrong answers.
Artur Opalinski, Senior Technical System Engineer
Sun Microsystems Poland, Green House Office Center 
Hankiewicza 2, 02-103 Warszawa, Poland, Tel:48-22 87-47-800 Fax:658-40-60

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