On Tuesday 10 April 2001 15:49, Olaf Petzold wrote:
> > What are you looking for in particular? The code generated by the C++
> > compiler for an object instantiation is basically equivalent to
> >
> >     myclass_t *myobject;
> >     myobject = malloc(sizeof(myclass_t));
> >     if(!myobject)
> >             <throw exception>;
> Do you know a way to catch the exceptions in kernel space ?

I never needed to (my new/delete implementations "cheat" some), but I guess 
you could do something like the thing Linus figured out for some commonly 
used kernel macros, like the user memory access function with area checking. 
These use a form of exception handling to eliminate the checking overhead 
from the main execution path.

I'm not sure about what the compiler expects to find, though; probably 
something similar to setjmp() and longjmp().

A simple hack might be to just terminate the current thread if you run out of 
memory, and then call a clean-up callback assigned to it. (Obviously, this 
isn't very useful unless running out of memory really *is* fatal to the 
thread - and if it is, you probably shouldn't be doing dynamic allocation in 
the first place.)


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