Mr. Alvarez,

> I am having a weird problem with some form of memory 
> corruption in the 
> kernel, and it looks my use of RT-FIFOs is responsible. Does 
> anybody know 
> of a problem with sending small amounts of data back and 
> forth very quickly 
> between RTL and userspace through RT-fifos?

        No, but I do know that you can not call most RTLinux functions from
FIFO handlers.  The handlers are generally running in the Linux context and
are, thus, limited to those functions which would be available to Linux.
The usual way of avoiding this problem is to have a periodic RTLinux thread
that watches for indicator variables set by the handlers.



Stephen D. Cohen
Engineering Manager
Xybion Sensor Positioning Systems
11528 53rd Street North
Clearwater, FL 33760
Voice: (727) 299-0150
Fax: (727) 299-0804 

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