If I type: "kgcc -v" the info I get back is:
gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)

It appears to simply be "egcs", renamed.

The compiler I use for all of my RT and Linux work is labelled "compat-egcs,
compat-egcs-c++, and compat-egcs-g77" in the last several RedHat distros.
They install in the /usr/bin directory as:

I then create symbolic links in the /usr/bin directory called:

I use these in ALL of my kernel builds and RT module compiles. Surprisingly
enough if I type "fsigcc -v" I receive the same version message I got from
gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)

I believe the RPM names in RedHat 7.2 were:

Hope this helps!
todd g.

-----Original Message-----
From: jartieda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 4:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Rtl]kgcc and gcc

i'm using mandrake 8.1 and i have the same trouble. i don't have kgcc
installed but doesn't seem like there is any rpm on the distribution cd
that contains it. Anybody knows how to solve this? 
thanks in advance
jorge artieda

"Seybold, John B" escribió:
> OK...
>  Went there, found the rpm, downloaded it, extracted the files.
>  We now have a whole bunch of compressed *diff* files, and patches. No
> 'readme', no instructions, no hints, no complete source, nothing that we
> find that says what file(s) the patches patch.
>  I've looked on the web for 'kgcc' and 'egcs', and found lots of
> that say 'build it' and a few that talk about renaming 'egcs' to 'kgcc',
> nothing that remotely resembles useful instructions or a how-to.
>  I also downloaded and built gcc 2.95.3, so we've got both a 2.96 and a
> 2.95.3 compiler, each with its own set of libraries.
>  Now what?
>  Thanks...
>     John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Linus Gasser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 12:38 AM
> To: Seybold, John B
> Subject: Re: [Rtl]kgcc and gcc
> On Tuesday 17 September 2002 00:19, Seybold, John B wrote:
> > We're using RTLinux 3.1 with a 2.4.4 kernel under Red Hat 7.1. While
> > RT Linux appeared to compile and install correctly with gcc 2.96, I
> > (belatedly) noted Der Herr Hofrat's advice to use gcc 2.95.3 instead.
> > If we follow the instructions in the "Open RTLinux Installation
> > Instructions" and change "CC=$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc" to "CC=kgcc", the
> > make bombs with errors indicating "kgcc is unknown" -- and there is no
> > file or symbol named kgcc on the system. I've built a 2.95.3 gcc; do
> > we need do anything to ensure the builds (Linux/RTLinux/application)
> > pick up the correct libraries and include files for the 2.95.3
> > compiler? Alternately, how do we install kgcc or make the 2.95.3
> > compiler?
> http://fr2.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=kgcc
> and try again...
> ineiti
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Linus Gasser
> EPFL                             Phone:       +41 21 693 5635
> Mobile Communications Lab.       FAX  :       +41 21 693 4312
> CH-1015 Lausanne                 email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> SWITZERLAND                      WEB  : http://lcmwww.epfl.ch
> -------------------------------------------------------------
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