puts email config in
yaml, ferret and backgroundrb store their info in yml and on occasion
I've stored environment-specific config code in yaml.

Is the ruby config released as a gem?  If not, I suggest that you
release it as a gem.  Bonus points if it has a generator that creates
the necessary files (newgem rocks for creating things like that).

I think will_paginate should be in core, but it's not, and I have to
config.gem it to every app I have, but I don't mind since it's so
hip.  If people think ruby database configs are hip, they won't mind
adding a line to each new app they have and running a generator.

Personally I don't see the need for it, and I probably wouldn't
install the gem.  Further, if rails shipped with it I'd probably opt
to keep using yaml just because I've got several apps with capistrano
recipes and backup scripts that I like to keep them up to date with
the latest released version of rails.

On Jun 12, 8:10 pm, Lawrence Pit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Btw, what about email credentials? Currently the only way to define the
> smtp_settings for ActionMailer::Base is via ruby code. If we're sticking
> to database.yml, shouldn't we have an email.yml as well?
> sure, I can do e.g.:
> ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = YAML::load(
> + "/config/email.yml")).result)[env]
> in my environment.rb, but then I can do that for database.yml as well if
> that was what's needed.
> Lawrence
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