The problem is that the ParamsParser reads the entire body into a
string (from what I can tell by the line "body = request.raw_post")
before handing it to the parsing backend. My suggestion is that it
hand the IO object (env['rack.input'] I assume?) to the parser
instead. This way the parser can either read the entire string, then
parse - OR if it supports parsing as a stream, start doing so directly
off the IO.

On May 15, 4:53 pm, Joshua Peek <> wrote:
> Check out how the current ParamsParser middleware works.
> You can use whatever parser to extract the request params in your
> middleware and Rails will be fooled into using that instead.
> On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 1:31 PM, brianmario <> wrote:
> > Hey everyone,
> > I was wondering what the possability was of changing these lines:
> > body = request.raw_post
> > Hash.from_xml(body)
> > or
> > data = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(body)
> > to instead be handed the env['rack.input'] IO itself?
> > Being as though both calls (from_xml and decode) are handled by rails
> > elsewhere, we could move the responsibility of parsing of the request
> > body IO to the swappable XML/JSON backends.
> > I'm asking because I'm looking to integrate yajl-ruby as one of the
> > JSON backends for ActiveSupport in Rails 3. It's capable of parsing
> > JSON right off the IO as a stream, and this change would allow it to
> > perform it's best (and keep memory usage very low for large request
> > bodies).
> > As for doing it for the XML backends as well, it opens up the
> > possibility of doing the type of stream parsing for XML.
> --
> Joshua Peek
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