On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Anuj Dutta <dutta.a...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Has anyone tried installing and running the CI server for their local fork
> of Rails? I have just been trying to do that and for one think the
> instructions are poor and dated and must be updated since all new Rails 3 is
> in the town.
> I had a word with Chad Woolley (thewoolleyman) who did the initial cinabox
> scripts to install the cruisecontrol.rb on your own server but since the
> different versions of Linux require different scripts, he has decided to
> rewrite the entire process in Chef to ensure stability and robustness.
> Here's the repo: http://github.com/thewoolleyman/cichef . I would like to
> rewrite the entire CI setup process and make it as automated as possible but
> would need suggestions and help from the community.


That's the wrong repo.  Here's where the latest stuff I'm actually
running on ci.rubyonrails.org lives:


However, this is outdated.  My main goal was to make the process
easily repeatable (for people like you) - you run a single command on
a blank server, and you end up with a working rails CI server. So I
spent a lot of effort on creating supporting tools like bootstrap_ruby
and cinabox - and got pretty close - the current servers were set up
using this approach.

Unfortunately, I realized this approach isn't very maintainable or
easily supported cross-platform.

So, my current plan is to scrap it all and redo it all in Chef.  The
repo for that is here:  http://github.com/thewoolleyman/cichef  - as
you can see, I've made zero progress on that, mainly because the
current machines are cranking along ok, and I'm still bootstrapping my
Chef knowledge.

Help with this is very welcome.  The goal is still to make it easily
reproducible with a single command, as the current setup (almost) is.
So, fork http://github.com/thewoolleyman/cichef and start helping out
if you want.

-- Chad
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