It's -O or --skip-activerecord

rails new --help
  rails new APP_PATH [options]

  -d, [--database=DATABASE]  # Preconfigure for selected database
(options: mysql/oracle/postgresql/sqlite3/frontbase/ibm_db)
                             # Default: sqlite3
  -J, [--skip-prototype]     # Skip Prototype files
  -T, [--skip-testunit]      # Skip TestUnit files
      [--dev]                # Setup the application with Gemfile
pointing to your Rails checkout
  -G, [--skip-git]           # Skip Git ignores and keeps
  -m, [--template=TEMPLATE]  # Path to an application template (can be
a filesystem path or URL).
  -b, [--builder=BUILDER]    # Path to an application builder (can be
a filesystem path or URL)
      [--edge]               # Setup the application with Gemfile
pointing to Rails repository
  -r, [--ruby=PATH]          # Path to the Ruby binary of your choice
                             # Default: /usr/bin/ruby
      [--skip-gemfile]       # Don't create a Gemfile
  -O, [--skip-activerecord]  # Skip ActiveRecord files

Runtime options:
  -p, [--pretend]  # Run but do not make any changes
  -s, [--skip]     # Skip files that already exist
  -q, [--quiet]    # Supress status output
  -f, [--force]    # Overwrite files that already exist

Rails options:
  -h, [--help]     # Show this help message and quit
  -v, [--version]  # Show Rails version number and quit

    The 'rails new' command creates a new Rails application with a default
    directory structure and configuration at the path you specify.

    rails new ~/Code/Ruby/weblog

    This generates a skeletal Rails installation in ~/Code/Ruby/weblog.
    See the README in the newly created application to get going.

Rodrigo, try Rails master.


On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Xavier Noria <> wrote:
> Should be --skip-active-record, I'll revise that before RC together
> with the output of --help.
> --
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