You can't do what you want because the Ajax call completes asynchronously -
the function won't know what value to return yet by the time it completes.
You either need to have your return script execute some code as one
responder suggested, or have your onSuccess/onComplete handler call some
other function when it's finished to alert your page that the Ajax call

Instead of returning the result, call another function instead:

function myCallback(returnValue) {
   /// ajax call completed with returnValue

new Ajax.Request(.... {
   onSuccess: function (transport) {


On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 9:20 AM, cdams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I looked into the web, and I find that this is a common error, but I
> haven't any solution..
> My method Ajax.Request is in another method. And for my function(v), I
> need to put a return, false or true.
> I tried with my script, but it doesn't work..
> Have you any idea to solve my pb?

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