Hi Daniel

Thanks for replying so quickly. In a nutshell, yes. An Agency has many
People. Essentially the purpose of the project is to perform an
interim admin function to sync two systems. Hence there are two sets
of Primary keys and two tables. The third table is the output, where
it records the Agency business number to ensure that the Agency is
registered. Obviously there will be multiple Agency profiles for the
two systems with the primary keys for the agencies. Currently this is
being done manually.

What I want to find out now is how to generate the view to encompass
the values from all three tables into one view, when I am using one of
the two system generated lists as a list for users to determine if a
client has been registered or not. E.g

Agency ID 2 is clicked, which is linked to only one Agency Business
Number. How do I represent the values for this Agency ID 2 from the
other two tables? Obviously some Agency IDs will not have a
corresponding Agency Business Number in table 3 as they have not been
registered as yet, or in Table 2 for that matter. I am envisaging the
use of partials.

I worked out how to generate primary and foreign keys. Currently I
have some code in my model that does this, but is not the best.

Upload Model
 def self.save
    FasterCSV.foreach("D:/Rails/MySql/Migration/file.csv) do |row|
      unless Agency_ID1.exists?(row[0])
       agency = Agency.new(:OrganisationName=>row[1],:TPID=>row[3]) do
          i.Agency_ID1 = (row[0])
      unless person.exists?(row[5])
      contact = person.new(:ContactFname=>row[6],:ContactLname=>row
       :ContactFax=>row[9],:ContactEmail=>row[10]) do |si|
         i.ContactID = (row[5])

It's meant to be interim code that helps me load primary key values.

I also have a search function working with Acts_as_ferret.

This is the model code for Agency 2 (list)

acts_as_ferret :fields => [:OrganisationName]

This is the controller

class SearchesController < ApplicationController
 def index
   if params[:q]
     query = params[:q]
     @Agency2 = Agency_ID2.find_with_ferret query, :page => params
[:page], :per_page => 50

This is the view in views/searches

        <td>smartbuy ID</td>
        <td>Supplier ABN</td>
        <td>Supplier TPID</td>
      <% @sbtradesuppliers.each do |s| %>
      <td><%= link_to s.OrganisationName, Agency2_path(s.id) %></td>
      <td><%= s.Agency Business Number%></td>
      <td><%= s.Agency ID 2%></td>
    <% end %>
<%= will_paginate @Agency2 %>

My last question is, is this restful?

Any help would be much appreciated.

On Nov 13, 2:48 pm, Daniel Bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 13, 11:10 am, Auch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi
> > I have limited success with rails and am trying very hard to
> > understand the MVC, DRY and RESTful concepts that Rails supports.
> > What I am trying to do is to automate some data manipulation
> > procedures for legacy systems. I have three tables that I need to
> > import into the Rails application.
> > Table 1
> > Legacy_System_ID1, Agency_Business_Number, Agency_Name
> > belongs to Table 3
> > belongs to Table 1
> > Table 2
> > Legacy_System_ID2, Legacy_System_ID1, Legacy_System_Contact_ID,
> > Agency_Business_Number, Agency_name
> > has many Table 1
> > Table 3
> > Agency_Business_Number, Agency_Name.
> > has many Table 1
> > These files are all in csv format. What I am having trouble with is
> > the concept of primary key ids. Rails does not like primary keys that
> > are not incremental. I know I can set the primary key to
> > Legacy_System_ID1 in Table 1 and set the foreign key to the same ID in
> > Table 2.
> > The pinch is that I need to seperate the contact_ID from the
> > Legacy_System_ID2 of Table 2 into two tables and also add new entries
> > into Table 3, which is essentially a subset of Table 1 to keep track
> > of which Agencies with unique Agency_Business_Numbers are registered.
> > Whats the best way to go about this in Rails? I am experimenting with
> > Instant Rails 2.02
> I think your model is saying something like
>  System contact (a person) "has many" Agencies
> in a nutshell right?
> --
> Daniel Bush- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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