OK, yet again - putting "layout 'standard'" in EACH of my controllers
Having "layout 'standard'" in ApplicationController but not in
individual controllers does not work.

So, it seems that the individual controllers are not inheriting from
ApplicationController as I thought they should (and used to do).

Is it possible that I have configured (or failed to configure)
something to make this happen?

I'm happy that the app works again, but am confused about what

On Nov 21, 10:21 am, wpollans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, I think I see the problem, but not the solution.
> My ApplicationController contains the line "layout 'standard'"
> Is this command is no longer valid?  It seems that it's not doing what
> it used to.
> Here's the class:
> $ cat application.rb
> # Filters added to this controller apply to all controllers in the
> application.
> # Likewise, all the methods added will be available for all
> controllers.
> class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
>   layout 'standard'
>   # Pick a unique cookie name to distinguish our session data from
> others'
>   session :session_key => '_dancedb_session_id'
> end
> On Nov 20, 2:39 pm, wpollans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm sure others have already solved this problem - porting an existing
> > rails1 app to rails2.
> > A sketch of the problem - I'll be happy to furnish as much detail as
> > may be needed - I'm hoping this is/was a standard problem.
> > I've just upgraded to current rails gem (2.1.2) from 1.2.5 and can't
> > get my app going.  It appears that my standard.rhtml (renamed to
> > standard.html.erb - along with other *.rhtml) is not being rendered -
> > there's no mention of it (in the window in which script/server is
> > running) when I open the app in the browser - the view is rendered,
> > but without the appropriate css.  standard.rhtml created the
> > navigation panes used in all views.  I'm using FF3 and ubuntu hardy -
> > shouldn't be relevant since rails1 app was running OK in this
> > environment.
> > Could someone please point to where I need to look.  Any and all help
> > appreciated
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