On 14 January 2012 17:51, Fritz Rodriguez <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Colin Law wrote in post #1040893:
>> On 14 January 2012 16:59, Fritz Rodriguez <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
>>>>> belongs_to :work_order
>>> of the is post.
>>> accepts_nested_attributes_for :name_alias
>>> accepts_nested_attributes_for :work_order
>>> This produced a "Unknown key: through" error? Not sure I place the
>>> association in the correct model, I have attached a file for reference.
>>> I appreciate your help!
>>> Attachments:
>>> http://www.ruby-forum.com/attachment/6910/has_many_through.txt
>> By the way, in the attachment you have multiple default scopes for
>> WorkOrder.  I think only one is allowed.  You can order by multiple
>> fields in one scope of course if that is what you want.  Be careful
>> with specifying the order in default scope though, it is not possible
>> to override this (or at least it did not used to be possible) as the
>> default scope order is applied *after* any others.
>> Colin
> Thanks, make sense regarding default scope... still getting the error?

Is that a question?  Did you add the id column to the table and run
the migration?
Show us the complete error message and stack trace and the section of
your code that is causing it.

> wired, that a logged user can create and edit sub_task, but admin user
> via acitve_admin can edit but no create a sub_task?

It is executing different code or with different data and causing the
error.  Nothing weird about it.

> Do you/available for consulting/help with a projects? if so, how does it
> work? per hour, etc..

No, I just try to help out in my spare time.


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