
I am new to programming and following Chris Pines book. There is an
exercise in the book to write a method similar to .sort that will
arrange an array of string in alphabetical order. I will paste the

OK. So we want to sort an array of words, and we know how to find out
which of two words comes first in the dictionary (using <).
What strikes me as probably the easiest way to do this is to keep two
more lists around: one will be our list of already-sorted words, and
other will be our list of still-unsorted words. We’ll take our list of
find the “smallest” word (that is, the word that would come first in
dictionary), and stick it at the end of the already-sorted list. All
of the
other words go into the still-unsorted list. Then you do the same
again but using the still-unsorted list instead of your original list:
the smallest word, move it to the sorted list, and move the rest to
unsorted list. Keep going until your still-unsorted list is empty.

I think I covered the first bit of the exercise but when I try to
repeat my method recursively it fails.
Would you be please so kind to take a look at my code and tell me what
am I doing wrong?

puts 'Please enter a list of words you would like to arrange'
puts 'in alphabetical order:'

list_of_words = []
input = 'empty'

while input != ''
        input = gets.chomp
        if input != ''
                list_of_words.push input

def arrange some_array
recursive_arrange some_array, []

def recursive_arrange unsorted_array, sorted_array

# Initializing the array "still_unsorted_array"

        still_unsorted_array = []

# Finding the smallest word on the array "list_of_words"

        smallest = unsorted_array [0]

        unsorted_array.each do |word|
                if smallest > word
                        smallest = word

# Adding the smallest word from the array of "unsorted words" to the
array of "sorted_words"

        sorted_array.push smallest

# Adding the words from the array of "unsorted_array" to the array of
# with the exception of the content of variable "smallest"

        bigger = 'empty'

        unsorted_array.each do |word|
                if word != smallest
                        bigger = word
                        still_unsorted_array.push bigger

# Clearing the array of "unsorted_array" so it can be re-used

        unsorted_array = []
# Adding the smallest word from the array of "still_unsorted words" to
the array of "sorted_words"

        smallest = still_unsorted_array [0]
        still_unsorted_array.each do |word|
                if smallest > word
                        smallest = word

# Adding the smallest word from the array of "still_unsorted words" to
the array of "sorted_words"

        sorted_array.push smallest

# Adding the remaining words from the array "still_unsorted_words" to
the array of
# "unsorted_words"

        still_unsorted_array.each do |word|
                if word != smallest
                        bigger = word
                        unsorted_array.push bigger

# This is the bit I tried to call the method recursively.

        if unsorted_array == unsorted_array = []
                puts sorted_array
                        recursive_arrange unsorted_array, sorted_array

puts 'unsorted array:'
        puts unsorted_array
        puts 'still unsorted array:'
        puts still_unsorted_array
        puts 'sorted array:'
        puts sorted_array


arrange list_of_words

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