I am displaying a collection of expenses in a form

the view in which the fom is displayed :
                                =  simple_form_for(@project, :html => {:class 
=> 'form-stacked' })
do |f|
                                        - unless @project.expenses.count > 0
                                                No expenses
                                        - else
                                                        = f.fields_for 
:expenses do |f|
                                                                = render 
"backoffice/projects/expense_fields", :f => f

and the expense_fields partial is  :

        = f.input :label, :wrapper => :nolabel, :input_html => { :class =>
"span3" }

I would like to test when the first expense item is displayed  :

        -  "if first expense.. test
            = f.input :label,  :input_html => { :class => "span3" }
#  use the standard wrapper with labels
        - else
            = f.input :label, :wrapper => :nolabel, :input_html => { :class
=> "span3" }  # no label wrapper

is there any way to do it ?

thanks for your feedback

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