Does it work when you run Captionfile.all in your rails console?

On Friday, March 9, 2012 11:52:34 AM UTC-8, AndyLikesRuby wrote:
> Hello fellow Ruby enthusiasts! 
> Although I've been using Ruby for some time, I just started using 
> RoR.  I'm experiencing an error that I'm having trouble resolving and 
> was hoping to find some help. 
> I am getting this error message when I try to hit a certain URL: 
> http://localhost:3000/captionfiles 
> NoMethodError in CaptionfilesController#index 
> undefined method `all' for Captionfile:Class 
> app/controllers/captionfiles_controller.rb:5:in `index' 
> Here are my files: 
> class CaptionfilesController < ApplicationController 
>   def index 
>     @captionfiles = Captionfile.all 
>     respond_to do |format| 
>       format.html # index.html.erb 
>       format.json { render json: @captionfiles } 
>     end 
>   end 
> ............. 
> class Captionfile < ActiveRecord::Base 
>   validates :title, :presence => true, :length => { :minimum => 2 } 
>   validates :filename, :presence => true 
>   has_many :run 
> end 
> ............ 
> Cccweb::Application.routes.draw do 
>   resources :captionfiles 
>   resources :runs 
>   get "pages/choose" 
>   get "home/index" 
>   get "runs/new" 
>   root :to => 'home#index' 
> end 
> ................. 
> I've searched the internets as well as many message bases, and 
> although I come up with variants of this message, none of the 
> solutions seem to help. 
> Thank you!

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