Hello I'm a newbie, 

Our server went down recently and now I'm getting page not found when I try 
to purchase a product.

Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.21


Here's the information from the log file. 

ActionView::Template::Error (comparison of Fixnum with nil failed):

    3: <% end %>

    4: <div id="checkout">

    5:   <h1><%= t("checkout")%></h1>

    6:   <%= checkout_progress %>

    7:   <br clear="left" />

    8:   <%= render "shared/error_messages", :target => @order %>

    9:     <%if @order.state != "confirm"%>

  app/helpers/checkout_helper.rb:16:in `<'

  app/helpers/checkout_helper.rb:16:in `checkout_progress'

  app/helpers/checkout_helper.rb:9:in `map'

  app/helpers/checkout_helper.rb:9:in `checkout_progress'




<% content_for :head do %>
  <%= javascript_include_tag  'checkout', '/states' %>
<% end %>
<div id="checkout">
  <h1><%= t("checkout")%></h1>
  <%= checkout_progress %>
  <br clear="left" />
  <%= render "shared/error_messages", :target => @order %>
 <%if @order.state != "confirm"%>
   <%= hook :checkout_summary_box do %>
     <div id="checkout-summary" class="alt">
       <%= render 'summary', :order => @order %>
   <% end %>
 <div id="address_form_container">
   <%= form_for @order, :url => update_checkout_path(@order.state), :html 
=> { :id => "*checkout_form_#{@order.state* <checkout_form_#{@order.state>}" 
} do |form| %>
     <%= render @order.state, :form => form %>
     <input id="post-final" type="submit" style="display:none"/>
   <% end %>

Any ideas?

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