
I'm having a issue with one object when try to update the attributes in
this object previously saved in the database

I have one object comp and one object reg they have this relationship


has_many regs


belongs_to comp

when run use the method valid? like this


it returns: IndexError (string not matched)

And when I try to update directly the comp directly it return this
@comp = current_contribuyente.comps.find(params[:id])


NoMethodError (undefined method `with_indifferent_access' for

This is the code from the view where I create this elements

= form_for @comp, :html => {:id => "new_form", :onsubmit => "return
validate_form()"}, :remote => true do |f|

= f.fields_for :comprobante_emis_regs_attributes do |cer|
              = cer.collection_select :reg_fil,
current_contribuyente.contribuyente_regs, :reg_fil, :reg_fil,
{:include_blank => false}, :class => 'reg_fil', :name =>

Somebody has run into this issue i'm really running out of ideas of how
to fix this.

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