Peter p. wrote in post #1072655:
> arturo drlt wrote in post #1072587:

> ********************************************************************
> Hi arturo drlt,
> Try without "fields_for"
> It really works! ;-)
> Regards,
> Peter
> ******************************************************************

I always had troubles writing the code for this model using only 

so far i have this code:

- if comp_exist
              = collection_select(:comp, :comp_emis_regs_reg_fil, 
current_contribuyente.contribuyente_regs, :reg_fil, :reg_fil, 
{:include_blank => false})
            - else
              = collection_select(:contribuyente, 
:contribuyente_regs_reg_fil, current_contribuyente.contribuyente_regs, 
:reg_fil, :reg_fil, {:include_blank => false}, {:class => 'reg_fil', 
:name => "comp[comp_emis_regs_attributes][0][reg_fil]"})

and the first collection_select return this error
undefined method `comp_emis_regs[0].reg_fil' for #<Comp:0x7f90f655ca38>

because the method :comp_emis_regs_reg_fil its really one array and i 
don't know how to specify the method for the reg_fil attribute inside 
:comp_emis_regs because the relationship is has_many, some ideas?

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