Colin, no, events and features have no relationship to each other 
(Eventfeatures are like features, but they are a separate object here). So:

Event has_many : evenfeatures


Eventfeature belongs_to: event

Thanks! rvince

On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 11:22:30 AM UTC-5, RVince wrote:
> I'm not sure how best to do this. I have a project that has Features 
> (these are video links) that go into a homepage.
> It also has Events, which get displayed in a table, can be clicked on, and 
> a page about that event displays.
> I'm working in an admin application for this site, a type of CMS system 
> whereby the administrator can put in different videos for the homepage, and 
> edit the events themselves.
> Ive been asked to add videos to the events. To do this, I am creating an 
> EventFeature object. Thusm when someone goes to edit an event's features, 
> it is not like editing features for the homepage. In an EventFeature, an 
> event_id is in place. My question then, how, in the erb for eventfeatures, 
> can I express things like:
> <% if @features any? %>
> which now are not just if there are any features, but any eventfeatures 
> with a specified  event_id. How can I express that here? 
> in other words
> <% if @eventfeatures any? %>
> Is not really what I want because i dont want all eventfeatures, only 
> those where eventfeatures.event_id==specific value.
> Similarly, how would you express:
> <$ @features.each do |feature| %>
> to be:
> <$ @eventfeatures.each do |eventfeature| %>
> only for those eventfeatures of a specific eventfeature.event_id
> TIA, rvince

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