Thanks Colin, 

Yeah, I better do that. I'm not a newbie, BUT I haven;t been on an RoR 
project since 09 (just all Python and Java in the interim) and the "Magic" 
of things like ActiveRecord I have forgotten about, not to mention much of 
the syntax. Thanks for your help here.


On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 3:31:07 PM UTC-5, Colin Law wrote:
> On 13 November 2012 17:30, RVince < <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 12:16:15 PM UTC-5, Colin Law wrote: 
> >> 
> >> You know that if you have 
> >> an event then its eventfeatures are event.eventfeatures and if you 
> >> have an eventfeature then its event is eventfeature.event? 
> >> 
> > 
> > Ah, it's coming back to me now, yes, you've put me on the right track. 
> But 
> > in my EventfeaturesConroller, how do I access the Event that the 
> > Eventfeature belongs to? 
> > 
> > class Admin::EventfeaturesController < Admin::AdminController 
> >   def index 
> >     @eventfeatures = Eventfeature.all(:order => 
> ["feature_type,sort_order"]) 
> >   end 
> > 
> > I want @eventfeatures to be only those eventfeatures that belong to the 
> > given event -- how do you specify that (or is it implied by the 
> Eventfeature 
> > model wherein I say it belongs_to :event) ? 
> How do you know (in the controller) which event you are referring to? 
> Are you passing it in the url?  If you pass the event id in the url 
> then you can fetch the event from the database and then its 
> eventfeatures are @event.eventfeatures. 
> Can I suggest that it might be worth your while working right through 
> a rails tutorial such as (which is free to use 
> online) then you will get a working knowledge of the basics of Rails. 
> Colin 

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