Scott Ribe wrote in post #1091858:
> I deployed an app to an OS X (10.6.8) server, and launch time for the
> app was shockingly slow, but performance after launch was fine.
> The problem turns out to be this line in application.rb:
> config.time_zone = /Time Zone: (.*)$/.match(`systemsetup
> -gettimezone`)[1]
> Yes, that's right, systemsetup -gettimezone takes a full 30 seconds to
> run on this Mac. (Mac Pro, fairly recent, Xeon, tons of RAM, almost
> non-existent CPU load). Anybody have any idea wtf that's about???
> I've just hard-coded the time zone default and it's fine. But still,
> just wondering if anybody has a clue?

You don't happen to have "Set timezone automatically using current 
location" checked in your "Date & Time" system preference? I have no 
idea if this would cause the problem you're seeing, but it's the first 
thing that came to mind when I saw this.

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