config.time_zone = || "UTC"

is what you are looking for.

The command looks into the local time zone set for the user 
visiting your current page and returns it, if not found it will return the 
UTC Time zone. In your case looking up the timezone of the server it is 
running on since its a config. No need to grab it like this because ruby 
can do it by itself.

However, if you want to give users access to their local time zones you 
should go with an time_zone_select field in user registration and an 
application_controller before filter, something like this:

before_filter :settimezone

def settimezone = user.timezone || "UTC" (well, change that to whatever, but 
you get the point)

Hope this can help you.


Am Freitag, 11. Januar 2013 05:54:37 UTC+1 schrieb Scott Ribe:
> I deployed an app to an OS X (10.6.8) server, and launch time for the app 
> was shockingly slow, but performance after launch was fine. 
> The problem turns out to be this line in application.rb: 
> config.time_zone = /Time Zone: (.*)$/.match(`systemsetup -gettimezone`)[1] 
> Yes, that's right, systemsetup -gettimezone takes a full 30 seconds to run 
> on this Mac. (Mac Pro, fairly recent, Xeon, tons of RAM, almost 
> non-existent CPU load). Anybody have any idea wtf that's about??? 
> I've just hard-coded the time zone default and it's fine. But still, just 
> wondering if anybody has a clue? 
> -- 
> Scott Ribe 
> <javascript:> 
> (303) 722-0567 voice 

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