Thanks for the info Simon.

As far as the users waiting goes, thats easy... They will wait as long
as I tell them to as long as I give them something to look at and a
reason (Spinning CD and a "Please wait, Reticulating Splines" message
perhaps). In fact the entire process isnt really a vital part of the
program, it is simply to display some extra information for other
users who may want to download it. So if that information was updated
say 5 minutes later, it wouldnt really matter.
In any event, I am having a look at starling and working to start a
threaded process in the background and update the record whenever it
finishes. If however libxml is as fast as you say, perhaps I simply
need to do some load balancing and make them wait.
Of course a major problem is that I still dont know where to call the
processor from. Rails can be extremely frustrating when you are still
learning it.

Thanks for the info Simon

On Dec 20, 1:50 am, "Simon Macneall" <> wrote:
> Hi Marc,
> Yes, the processing will block mongrel, but you should have more than one  
> mongrel (either using Passenger, or straight apache load balancing). The  
> bigger question is can your user wait 30 seconds for the response? There  
> are ways to run the process on a separate thread, but I haven't had to do  
> that yet.
> Yes, libXML is *much* faster than REXML. We are in the process of changing  
> our code, but the XML code is entwined so far through our app it is a big  
> job.
> Cheers
> Simon
> On Sat, 20 Dec 2008 04:39:51 +0900, Marc <> wrote:
> > Hi all
> > Sorry if this seems silly, only been learning Ruby and Rails for 2
> > weeks, though I have been programming since the Commodore 64 came out.
> > I need to process an XML file once it is uploaded (currently using
> > paperclip).
> > The problem is that the files can be quite slow to process, up to 30
> > seconds for some. Once this processing is done, I need to save that
> > data to the model to which the file is attached.
> > So my question is, where is the best place to call the processing
> > function from?
> > Will the processing block mongrel? Should it go in a new thread? If
> > so, how do I do that?
> > And is there any speedier Library than REXML for processing XML?
> > Thanks for your help
> > Marc
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