On Friday, March 1, 2013 2:58:53 PM UTC, Ruby-Forum.com User wrote:
> > with the :if option 
> > 
> > validates :question_type,     :presence  => true 
> > validates :question,        :presence   => true, :if => 
> > :standard_question? 
> > 
> > will call the standard_question? method and only enforce the presence 
> > validation on question if the method returns true. There is also a 
> > lambda 
> > form 
> > 
> > validates :question,        :presence   => true, :if => lambda {|record| 
> > record.question_type == 'standard'} 
> > 
> > Fred 
> Thanks Fred, 
> Got this error 
> undefined method `standard_question?' for #<Question:0x007f947ddb2e00> 
> Do I need to write a  standard_question method 
> Yes - it's up to you to write a standard_question? method. The lambda 
saves you having to have the condition in a separate method but can make 
your validation look more cluttered (especially for more complicated 


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