I think its better to add

<%= will_paginate @tickets, :previous_label => "&larr; Previous",
:next_label => "Next &rarr;"  %>

in the partial file (customerList). I hope it may be useful

On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 8:57 PM, Gintautas Šimkus <dihita...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Could you provide rendered HTML for the Previous button? My idea would be
> it is disabled somehow and you got to alter that part of HTML too with your
> code in index.js.erb; i.e. it is rendered as non-link for the first
> (default) rendering of the pagination, and that element has no idea you're
> already "at page 2". Better yet provide what the HTML of Prev looks like
> when you are at page number 1, and page number 2 (without Ajax
> functionality). That should give you and me insight in what has to change
> for that Prev link to become active.
> 2013/3/28 Colton Pl <li...@ruby-forum.com>
>> Hello everyone, I am having an issue with the will_paginate gem, i have
>> recently added AJAX and JS to refresh the div with paginate without
>> refreshing the page.
>> I followed online examples and successfully got it working, however the
>> "previous" button and the first page are not shown as links, and can not
>> be clicked.
>> All other pages are in working order, and refreshes fine except the
>> first.
>> Controller:
>> def index
>> @tickets = Ticket.where('archived = ?', "False").where('closed = ?',
>> "False").order(sort_column + " " + sort_direction).paginate(:page =>
>> params[:page] || 1, :per_page => 12)
>> respond_to do |format|
>>          format.html # index.html.erb
>>          format.json { render json: @tickets }
>>         format.js
>>       end
>> end
>> View:
>> <div id="list">
>>   <%= render :partial => 'customerList' %>
>> </div>
>> <%= will_paginate @tickets, :previous_label => "&larr; Previous",
>> :next_label => "Next &rarr;"  %>
>> <script>
>> $(document).ready(function() {
>>     $('.paginate a').attr('data-remote', 'true');
>> });</script>
>> Index.js.erb:
>> $('#list').html('<%=escape_javascript render :partial => "customerList"
>> %>');
>> $('.paginate a').attr('data-remote', 'true');
>> If anyone could shine some light on why this issue is occuring, I'd
>> really appreciate it.
>> Thanks!
>>  --
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Thank You.

Best Wishes,

BalaRaju Vankala,

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