*Disclaimer: i'm fairly new to Rails and I don't know whether this would be 
desired behavior.*

I want to make an Engine that is isolated by two namespaces. That is, let 
say for example I'd like to make an Engine whose classes all live in:


And thus, my models for example should be placed in:


And my tables should be prefixed by for example:


I tried to accomplish this by having this code in lib/car/bmw/engine.rb

module Car
  module BMW
    class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
      isolate_namespace Car::BMW # This will call: engine_name 'car_bmw'

With this code whenever I generate a model however, the model is placed in:


And the table is prefixed by:


The reason for this can be quickly seen if we look at 
Rails::Generators::NamedBase.namespaced_path which is defined as

def namespaced_path
  @namespaced_path ||= namespace.name.split("::").map {|m| m.underscore }[0]end

Shouldn't it be possible two have your models and controllers be namespaced 
by multiple namespaces?

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