Whatever I do I get a response page rendered like this:

Every page is rendered with blank spaces. Even if I put HTML and ERB tags 
together inline:
*## Not together inline, blank spaces are like on the picture above:*

*<%= @foo %>*


*## Together inline, see the result lower:*
*<div><%= @foo %></div>*

*## Result from t**ogether inline. **Blank spaces exists either but now 
look like this:*
*<div class="foo">*

*""*  *## see the difference? Two double quotes together, not with a 
space in-between. But anyway it is rendered!*

*</div> *

What I've learned so far:

The text from Rails 

*config.action_view.erb_trim_mode* gives the trim mode to be used by ERB. 
> It defaults to '-'. See the ERB documentation for more information.

But at the same time they 
say<http://www.kuwata-lab.com/erubis/users-guide.05.html>that the Erubis is the 
default template engine in Rails, not ERB:

NOTICE: Rails 3 adopts Erubis as default default engine. You don't need to 
> do anything at all when using Rails 3. This section is for Rails 2.

And here is a code from *

# Specify trim mode for the ERB compiler. Defaults to '-'.
    # See ERB documentation for suitable values.
    class_attribute :erb_trim_mode
    self.erb_trim_mode = '-' ### yes, trim mode is set by dafault. But it is 
nothing for Erubis.

    # Default implementation used.
    class_attribute :erb_implementation
    self.erb_implementation = Erubis ### yes, Erubis is instead of ERB

    :escape => (self.class.escape_whitelist.include? template.mime_type),
    :trim => (self.class.erb_trim_mode == "-") ### so :trim is true, just 
because self.erb_trim_mode = '-'. That's all.


>From official Erubis docs:

Erubis deletes spaces around '<% %>' automatically, while it leaves spaces 
> around '<%= %>'.
> If you want leave spaces around '<% %>', add command-line property 
> '--trim=false'.
> Or add option :trim=>false to Erubis::Eruby.new().

So it is obvious that :trim => (self.class.erb_trim_mode == "-") will never 
remove spaces around <%= %>. Because there is no option in Erubis for it. 
And this is exactly seen on the picture above.

This line self.erb_implementation = Erubis informs that Rails implements 
Erubis instead of ERB.

But as written above the only trim mode Erubis supports is around <% %> , 
just pass true or false only.

So any experiments with true ERB 
*< % > -)* yields nothing. Because Erubis just doesn't support them.

My question: How to get rid of those blank spaces without switching to 
Slim, Haml, etc?

Why Rails say in their guide *See the ERB documentation for more information
* if it means nothing for default Erubis?

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