Rodrigo Lueneberg wrote in post #1114538:
> Thanks Robert, You just gave some insight. You're right I should use
> form_for, but I just want to point that the user id is indeed passed in
> the URL above and I can reference a Model object even when not using a
> form_for. But I don't understand why it is not  part of the
> "request" object querystring parameters? Any Framework should be able to
> capture both POST an URL parameters after a form submit action. How
> about environmental parameters such as referrer, etc.? I just doesn't
> make sense to me. I guess I will just keep reading more about rails.

> <%= form_tag('/users/delete') do %>
>     <%= submit_tag 'Click here to delete this user' %>
> <% end %>

The form_tag helper defaults to a POST request if method is not 
specified. Form fields will be pass in the request body not in the URL 
query string. I don't see any indication that you're passing any form 
data in your example above. It's not part of the URL and there are no 
hidden fields that might contain any form data.

# => <form action="/posts" method="post">

Check your logs/development.log to see exactly what the params hash 
contains for your request.

As for what you call "environmental parameters" I assume you mean 
request headers. Request headers are available in the request object but 
are not mixed into the params hash. That hash is reserved for user 
submitted data (i.e. form fields and query parameters).

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