Hi guys,

Thank you Emil, Rick and Colin.


> I didn't exactly get your question. Are you looking for a way to search 
> for the records ? If the number of rows is huge and you need full text 
> search, you may need to look at Solr or Sphinx or AWS CloudSearch for fast 
> queries. If time is not a big concern, you may even be able to do away with 
> simple ActiveRecord queries (do look at squeel gem too : 
> https://github.com/ernie/squeel ).

Yes, part of it is looking for a way to search for the records. And yes, 
number of rows is huge. There are around 80,000 rows split in multiple 
Excel sheets.

I am thinking I may have to split this one database table into more tables 
that can help with the search.


> Assuming you have little Ruby experience and no Rails experience I think 
> your best plan would be to familiarize yourself with RubyOnRails tutorials 
> at: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html (a full tree 
> provided by the RoR development group covering major Rails components), 
> and: http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-book (a very 
> good book by Michael Hartl with the apt sub-title "Learn Web Development 
> with Rails").  Both are free online.

I finished the first chapter of Rails Tutorial, and I have this 
https://github.com/arslanfarooq/first_app and 

This was really fun and I believe when I finish this whole tutorial I'll 
learn a lot.

But I have a 2 week deadline (actually I set the duration myself when they 
asked me how long will it take). So today I decided to first make this in 
PHP. Once this app is finished and tested in PHP, then I'll come back to 
making it in Rails. 

> Your application looks like a good one for a first effort with two models: 
> User and Item.  Members of the User class can have roles associated with 
> them, i.e.: Manager, Employee, and Administrator.  The Item class will be a 
> direct map of the spreadsheet, members will have fields that mirror the 
> spreadsheet columns.  The Item search can be nicely built into the item 
> controller's index method and the item edit restriction can be enforced by 
> keying off the user's role in the controller methods and views.

What you are saying is kind of making sense, and I feel this may serve like 
a rough plan for what I want to achieve. Thank you!

> I would suggest that, at least initially, you use a snapshot of the 
> company's spreadsheet to populate a database that you will use for all 
> development, test, and functional acceptance. 

I actually did this today in PHP, I imported the Excel data in the 
database. And the search form is working... kind of. It is pulling the 
results, but I need to grab a relational database book and look for ways to 
optimize my search query. 

I have decided to make two search forms. One search form to search using 
details of a product, and another form to search using details of a person. 

My SQL knowledge is very basic, and to give a clear idea of my skill level, 
I am a WordPress developer. So when I said I *know* how to make this in PHP 
and MySQL; I should have said I have an *idea* how to make this in PHP and 

Right now I need to formulate a smart query when search form is submitted. 
My current query is too simple and does not give the desired results in 
many cases. Gives desired results in one particular way :) Which sucks.

> You can then segregate out a separate task to either provide functions to 
> import and export the excel based data.  I would suggest that the final 
> design might want to have the data held in a database with a publish 
> capability with an excel format (and/or pdf, and/or ...) that has the 
> published date/time as part of the page header.

Client did say to implement the print search results feature. So I'll use 
the pdf option. 

> Be sure to learn how to test your app, validate your data, and have fun.

Thank you Rick!


> +1 to those suggestions.  To start developing an app before working 
> right through a good rails tutorial will just result in wasting a lot 
> of time.  

Yes I completely agree. 

> The railstutorial.org example will give you some useful 
> stuff such as user authentication that you can use in your app 

I will definitely finish that tutorial once this app is done in PHP.

And for that, I just need to get the search to work nicely. I already 
implemented Twitter Bootstrap for PHP version so interface is already good 
and responsive. 

Thank you guys for your help and input. God bless you all.

I don't want to ask for the SQL here. I'll use appropriate forums etc.

-- arslan

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