On Tuesday, 11 February 2014 21:43:40 UTC+1, Vell wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am trying to understand when I try to run a test in cucumber what I am 
> missing that it is failing. I am using FactoryGirl to create my records and 
> using cucumber to test my logic however I know that I am doing something 
> wrong in my testing I just can't seem to figure out what. Here is what I 
> have:
> Feature:
> Feature: All features related to staff info
>   Scenario: notification for empty shirt size
>     Given there is at least 1 staff info record
>     When the shirt size field is empty
>     And the shirt size check is run
>     Then the system should send an email notification
> Steps:
> Given(/^there is at least (\d+) staff info record$/) do |arg1|
>   assert_difference('StaffInfo.count', 1) do
>     @staff_info = FactoryGirl.create :staff_info
>   end
> end
> When(/^the shirt size field is empty$/) do
>   assert @staff_info.update_attribute(:shirt_size, nil)
> end
> When(/^the shirt size check is run$/) do
>   StaffInfo.check_empty_shirt_fields
> end
> Then(/^the system should send an email notification$/) do
>   pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
> end
> Model:
> class StaffInfo < ActiveRecord::Base
>   belongs_to :person
>   scope :empty_shirt_fields, -> { where('shirt_size in (?)', [nil, '']) }
>   def self.check_empty_shirt_fields
>     staff_with_missing_shirt_sizes = StaffInfo.empty_shirt_fields
>     debugger
>     send_empty_shirt_size_notification staff_with_missing_shirt_sizes if 
> staff_with_missing_shirt_sizes.size >  0
>   end
>   def send_empty_shirt_size_notification(staff_records)
>     Mailer.missing_shirt_size(staff_records).deliver
>   end
> end
> What is happening is, when I hit the 3rd test I did a check to see if the 
> record was present (StaffInfo.count) and it was. But after running   
> StaffInfo.check_empty_shirt_fields, I did a check for the record and it was 
> gone. I am not understanding how my record could have disappeared when I 
> all my method was doing was checking for any records with a missing field.
> Anyone have any ideas?


One way to be able to find out what is happening is:

a) tag your scenario with @pause, that will pause after each step.
b) Open a terminal and have a look at the test log file: tail -f 

That way you can see what is happening in the test database at each step, 
and when records are created, and/or the database is cleared.

P.S. It would also be a better idea to post your question in the cucumber 
email list if you still have problems 

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