Colin Law wrote in post #1146271:
> If you worked through railstutorial then you cannot have been paying
> much attention, as the demo app starts with exactly what you are
> asking for [1].  As I said, I suggest you work right through that
> tutorial (not just skim through it) that will help you to understand
> the basics of rails.

That's right that i didn't do all thinks that he did like tests but the 
reason why is because I'm not sure that with static_page I can do what I 
want and I'm looking for the best method.

Indeed at the begining it seems to be good but if you pay attention he 
didn't declare new methodes in pages_static.controller because in these 
pages he just put some links with other web sites or just give some 

> Once you have it working with static pages then you just need to fetch
> the data from the database to put on the pages.
> Colin

I have already my static pages just like he did but he didn't show how 
to fetch the data from my database or to fill my tables.


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