On 22 May 2014 14:47, Fab Forestier <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Colin Law wrote in post #1146785:
>> I think so.  You can use button_to do invoke the action, and pass the
>> operation number as a parameter or in the url.  If you look at the
>> docs for button_to and google it to find more examples you will surely
>> find examples that meet your needs.
>> Colin
> My matter is not how to pass the operation number to an other view but
> is how can I recover this number. Indeed my button is not linked with
> one operation...
> An exemple of what I want to do is the edit button of Articles index's
> view, on click we are redirected to the edit view with only the article
> of the line of the edit button clicked.

Just set the action on each button to the url that you want invoked,
so something like edit_article_path( article_ id ) where article_id is
the id of the article on that row.

Get it working just using link_to first, then make the link look like
a button if you want to.  Note that since the link is not actually
performing an operation, but is just taking you to a different page,
then you want a link not a form button.


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