Colin i try what you tell me. It work find. Thank very much.
The next step is that: if an user choice the seat on the hall, it must
not be appear againt on the view.

I have some view like this:

<%= form_tag( riepilogo_path, method: "post", id: "sel") do %>

    <%= hidden_field_tag "sala", params[:sala] %>
  <%= hidden_field_tag "spectacle_id", params[:spectacle_id] %>

  <%= hidden_field_tag "num", params[:num] %>

<% for posti in @postis %>
    <td><%= check_box_tag "posti_ids[]", %></td>
    <td><%=h posti.numero %></td>

<% end %>
<%= submit_tag "OK", id: "sub"%>
<% end %>

controller of Postis is something like so:

class PostisController < ApplicationController
 def index
    @postis = Posti.where(:stato => "unchecked" , :spectacle_id =>
params[:spectacle_id] , :hall_num => params[:sala])

def posti_multiple
    @postis = Posti.find(params[:posti_ids])


In the Posti's model i have attributes: spectacle_id, hall_num,
seat(integer) and stato (:default => "unchecked").

An user choice her seat on the hall. When he submit the form, seats be
load in posti_ids[]. I want to update stato of seats wich are present in
posti_ids from "unchecked" to "checked" on the database. How can do
that. Thank you very much

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